White Microthrombus and Vascular Endothelium Function in Pia Mater Microvessel of Rabbit Model with Hyperhomocysteinemia 高同型半胱氨酸兔软脑膜微循环血栓形成与血管内皮功能
Real space filled with cerebrospinal fluid located between the pia mater and the arachnoid membrane. 在软脑脊膜和蜘蛛网膜间一个充满脑脊髓液的空间。
Dynamic Alteration and Significance on Pia Mater Microcirculation After High-voltage Electric Burn 实验高压电烧伤软脑膜微循环动态变化和意义
Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neuroglial processes, firmly adherent to the pia mater. 软脑脊膜同神经组织之间有一薄层神经胶质细胞突起牢牢地附着在软脑膜上。
A network of extremely small blood vessels passing between the pia mater and the cerebral cortex. The little cat flicked out a paw and drew the ball of wool towards it. 大脑绒被从软膜和大脑皮层之间穿过的极细的小血管形成的网那只小猫突然伸出一只爪子,把绒线球抓了过去。
Effect of Acupuncture on Automatic Rhythmicity in Microvasculature of Cerebral Pia Mater in Rats with Local Infarction 针刺对局灶性脑梗死大鼠软脑膜微血管自律运动的影响
Medulloblastoma originated from the remaining embryo cells of the reproductive center on top of the fourth ventricle in children ( 8/ 2) and from cells in the external granular layer beneath the cerebellar pia mater on the cerebellar surface in adults. 髓母细胞瘤儿童多起自四脑室顶部髓帆生殖中心的胚胎残余细胞(8/2),成人多源于小脑软膜下原始的外颗粒层细胞,以实性为主。
At one day after the injury, swelling could be obviously seen in myeloid tissue by nude eyes and the spinal pia mater was in tension. 损伤后1d肉眼可见脊髓组织肿胀明显,软脊膜紧绷。
Disseminated along pia mater and ependyma. 可侵犯室管膜和软脑膜并沿之播散;
Carbon particles were also found in the adventitia of arteries, the internal carotid artery internal cranium, the middle cerebral artery, the circle of Willis, the arteries in subarachnoid space, and the arterioles in pia mater. 颈内动脉颅内段、大脑中动脉、大脑动脉环、蛛网膜下腔内动脉、软膜内小动脉等各动脉外膜中有碳颗粒,周围不存在内皮。
Results Angiogenin was expressed weakly but widely in rat brain, the expression was relatively strong in cerebral pia mater, ependyma, and vessels. 结果血管生长素在正常大鼠脑中普遍弱阳性表达,脑膜、室管膜及血管染色较为明显。
There are fine arterial networks in the pia mater of the brain stem. 脑干表面存在纤细的软膜动脉网。
Establishment and Application of Enclosed Brain Window in Study on Pia Mater Microcirculation 软脑膜微循环研究中闭合式颅窗法的应用与体会
To understand the effects of high-dose dexamethasone on pia mater microcirculation and hemorheology, 24 rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups: standard group, the trauma group and the dexamethasone treatment group. 为探讨大剂量激素对脑创伤后脑微循环及血液流变性的影响,将24只家兔随机等分为3组:标准对照组、损伤对照组和地塞米松治疗组。
The arterial network of the pia mater shows irregular anastomoses. Many terminal branches in the meshwork do not form anastomosis but perforate into the brain tissue at right angle. 软膜动脉网为不规则的吻合网,网眼内有许多未梢支并未吻合,而直角弯曲穿入脑实质。
Effects of human urotensin II on Pia Mater Microcirculation in rats 人尾加压素Ⅱ对大鼠脑微循环的影响
Histopathologic changes seen under the light microscope included lymphocyte infiltration of the liver sinusoids, degeneration and necrosis of the hepatic cells, congestion and hemorrhage of the liver, lymphocyte infiltration of the pia mater encephali and capillary blood congestion of the cerebrum. 在光镜下,可见肝窦淋巴细胞浸润,肝细胞变性和坏死,肝脏充血出血,大脑脑软膜淋巴细胞浸润和大脑毛细血管充血。
Image computer analysis of microvascular permeability of rat cerebral pia mater 大鼠软脑膜微血管通透性的计算机分析
Cases had multi-metastasis, all were related to spine, meanwhile 6 of 9 cases got the metastasis of pelvis, femur, costa, sternum, parietale, cerebral pia mater and so on. 9例均为多发骨转移并均侵及脊柱,其中8例分别合并骨盆、股骨、肋骨、胸骨、顶骨、软脑膜等处转移。
Effects of Positive Acceleration on the Microcirculation of Rabbit Conjunctiva, Mesentery, Skin and Pia Mater 正加速度(+Gz)对兔眼球结膜、肠系膜、皮肤与软脑膜微循环影响及其意义
Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on the Pia Mater Microcirculation of the rat 氦氖激光对小鼠软脑膜微循环及血脑屏障的影响
Effects of ET-1 on pia mater microcirculation were observed from cranial window in rats. 利用大鼠颅骨开窗观察脑软膜微循环的方法研究了内皮素(ET-1)从10-7~10-10M对脑软膜微循环的影响以及失血性休克时脑软膜对ET-1的反应性。
A case of giant congenital pigmented nevus with malignant melanoma on the pia mater encephali 巨大先天性色素痣伴软脑膜恶性黑素瘤1例
H after seizure, the number of small type astrocytes began to increase, especially in the nucleus of solitary tract and the areas near the pia mater. 结果显示:癫痫点燃后1h细小型星形胶质细胞数量开始增多,尤以孤束核及软膜附近明显;
Using the open skull window and microcirculatory microscopic video magnify system, the influences of ginsenoside Rg 1 at 3 dosage on pia mater microcirculation in rats with focal cerebral ischemia were studied, which was caused by middle artery occlusion ( MCAO). 采用大鼠开放式颅骨开窗法和微循环显微电视放大系统观察不同剂量(10、20、40mg/kg)的人参皂甙Rg1对大鼠大脑中动脉缺血(MCAO)引起的软脑膜微循环障碍的改善作用。
Model of Cerebral Pia Mater Microcirculatory Disturbance Made by Dripping Adrenaline at Part of Pia Mater 局部点滴肾上腺素制造软脑膜微循环障碍模型
Effects of Endothelin-1 on Pia Mater Microcirculation in Hemorrhagic Shock Rats and Treatment with Nimotop and Ligustrazine 内皮素对失血性休克鼠脑微循环的影响及尼莫地平、川芎嗪的治疗作用
The main structures of the head include the scalp, skull, dura, cerebral spinal fluid, pia mater, cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, falx, and tentorium. 模型描述了主要的颅脑解剖学结构,包括头皮、颅骨、硬脑膜、脑脊液、软脑膜、大脑、小脑、脑室、脑干、脑镰和脑幕等等。